[[1 |first class]] [[2 |second class]] [[3 |third class]] [[4 |fourth class]] [[5 |fifth class]] [[6 |sixth class]] [[7 |seventh class]] [[8 |eighth class]] [[9 |ninth class]] [[10 |tenth class]] [[11 |eleventh class]] [[12 |twelfth class]] h4 HTML & CSS For some html help review the code for here https://publish.uwo.ca/~jmorey2/launcher/launcher.html?page=index.html with revealTags.css Better to Download Chrome and go to https://publish.uwo.ca/~jmorey2/launcher/index.html or https://publish.uwo.ca/~jmorey2/launcher/html5.html * download local copies of index.html and html5.html (__Webpage, HTML only__) * open your copies in the Chrome browser * "right click" --> "inspect" (or Shift-Ctrl i) * click on the tab "sources" * click on "+ Add folder to workspace" * select the folder with "index.html" and "html5.html" * click on the blue __"Allow"__ just above the page * tinker with your copies to refresh your memory of html ** ctrl-s ctrl-r saves and reloads your files. h4 Javascript javascript coding examples. https://codecorner.glitch.me/ h2 GIT download git.....simple CLI git * git init * git add index.html * git status * git commit -m "my first commit" * git log * ....editing index.html * git add index.html * git status * git commit -m "fixed X" more later https://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/