[[1 |first class]] [[2 |second class]] [[3 |third class]] [[4 |fourth class]] [[5 |fifth class]] [[6 |sixth class]] [[7 |seventh class]] [[8 |eighth class]] [[9 |ninth class]] [[10 |tenth class]] [[11 |eleventh class]] [[12 |twelfth class]] h2 Backend: the cloudy business of servers... h3 As-A-Service... * SaaS (Software), FaaS (Function), DaaS (Database or Desktop), PaaS (Platform), STaaS (Storage), IaaS (Infrastructure) * https://kinsta.com/blog/google-cloud-vs-aws/ h2 the big three-ish for PaaS * Amazon Web Services (aws) ** aws lambda https://aws.amazon.com/lambda ** https://aws.amazon.com/free/webapps * Google cloud ** Google app engine https://cloud.google.com/appengine * Azure ** Azure app service https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/app-service/ * https://stackshare.io/stackups/azure-app-service-vs-google-app-engine-vs-aws-lambda h2 some options for git + Node.js + NPM + Apache/Nginx + ... * our own machines... * Heroku * docker + docker images * kubernetes... * glitch.com h2 For assignment 3, the winner is... * nodejs + npm + express + eventually heroku * our local machines will allow us to use git and should be responsive ** glitch.com seemed to be a bit to clunky to work for this * unfortunately no databases...just more JSON h3 nodejs * node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) ** Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. * update package-lock.json (delete and run ~~npm install~~) ** https://poanchen.github.io/blog/2020/04/13/how-to-update-package-lock-json-file-in-order-to-honour-the-and-~-symbol h1 For starters * __install node.js, npm__ then try {code} git clone https://github.com/jimmorey/lorem cd lorem/ npm install node server.js {code} # What are the moving parts / who are the big players in this code? # What is package.json? # What did npm install do? # Did you see the hidden .gitignore? What does it do? # How many files are in node_modules? * __sign up for heroku.com__ https://signup.heroku.com/ h2 the cliff.... {code} git clone https://github.com/jimmorey/httpcode cd httpcode/ npm install node server.js {code} * yikes... ** __also__ do not forget to cite sources https://www.exai.com/blog/http-status-codes-cheat-sheet h3 what are these? * SEO? * SERP?