first class second class third class fourth class fifth class sixth class seventh class eighth class ninth class tenth class eleventh class twelfth class h4 HTML & CSS For some html help review the code for here with revealTags.css

Better to Download Chrome and go to or

* download local copies of index.html and html5.html (Webpage, HTML only) * open your copies in the Chrome browser * “right click” –> “inspect” (or Shift-Ctrl i) * click on the tab “sources” * click on ”+ Add folder to workspace” * select the folder with “index.html” and “html5.html” * click on the blue “Allow” just above the page * tinker with your copies to refresh your memory of html ** ctrl-s ctrl-r saves and reloads your files.

h4 Javascript javascript coding examples.

h2 GIT

download git…..simple CLI git

* git init * git add index.html * git status * git commit -m “my first commit” * git log * ….editing index.html * git add index.html * git status * git commit -m “fixed X”

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