
first class second class third class fourth class fifth class sixth class seventh class eighth class ninth class tenth class eleventh class twelfth class h2 PHP * 2006+ https://jimmorey.com/old/CS216/assignments.php * 2007/8 facebook app: https://jimmorey.com/tasktimer/

h2 SPA Single-page application * https://web.dev/app-history-api/ * https://dev.to/marcomonsanto/routing-in-spas-173i

h3 git deploy * https://jimmorey.github.io/

h3 heroku deploy * https://github.com/jimmorey/httpcode {code} git config –list heroku login heroku git:remote -a httpcodejim git push heroku main {code} * httpcode routes GET https://httpcodejim.herokuapp.com/ GET https://httpcodejim.herokuapp.com/static/ client.js code.json index.html styles.css GET https://httpcodejim.herokuapp.com/bit?code=404 GET https://httpcodejim.herokuapp.com/info?code=404 GET https://httpcodejim.herokuapp.com/info?all=all POST in the upload GET https://httpcodejim.herokuapp.com/static/

h2 database SQL vs noSQL * https://db-engines.com/en/ranking * Oracle, MySQL * noSQL MongoDB https://zellwk.com/blog/crud-express-mongodb/ https://www.mongodb.com/nosql-explained/nosql-vs-sql

8.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/10 17:13 by morey
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