first class second class third class fourth class fifth class sixth class seventh class eighth class ninth class tenth class eleventh class twelfth class h2 more Git

Assignment 1 focuses on a using git as a means of version control essentially for a single user. In this case, it could be thought of as a means of exploring many different technologies at the same time producing a number of different banches and organizing and keeping them in one spot. With more libraries and options you will see that it can be easy to scatter a project over so many files that it becomes hard to keep it all straight. The ability to checkout different versions of a project can be useful for comparing and contrasting different technologies. Imagine you have a running project and you want to replace JQuery with something else… Or you have a project using Canvas and you want to switch to SVG graphics. Versioning can be a nightmare.

With multi-user code, versioning becomes even more important. Also setting up your identity. * Set your username: git config \-\-global “FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME” * Set your email address: git config \-\-global “”

We will explore GitHub later in the course where this becomes more important.

h2 Selectors in CSS and JQuery

Go to CSS in

Some interesting examples discussed in class when discussing variants of Array1.html * ol:nth-child(4) vs. ol:nth-child(2) * \[contenteditable\]