h1 Project: Franken-showcase of web tech Due Tuesday November 30th 11:55pm
Create an SPA that features some interactive data with d3. Try to use this SPA as an exploration of code/tech examples to refer to later. This means writing comments for your future self that will help you understand what you did. Also, you may be able to add this to your portfolio.
h3 Your SPA project must have:
* A project git * A READ_ME.txt file with (in this order) your name and email Project Check-list a git log –all * A server.js (nodejs) file that serves an index.html written with that runs by “node server.js” https://localhost:3000 views your SPA (index.html…) * A d3 data display component using updatable data that is originally from a JSON file a join with enter, exit and transitions * A non trivial css file with Hover/focus/active codes Borders with rounded corners Gradient backgrounds * A least one unicode Emojis * A non-d3 svg that contains at least one: circle, path, rect, text element * HTML elements must include a least one Button, H1, list (either ul or ol), link, image * Javascript arrow functions use at least one * In comments, show links to original sources / where you found the code * for my files, you can just refer to them by name (eg. data4njq.html) indicate how much different your code
Fulfilling the Project Check-list will be 80% of your grade with the last 20% based on the quality, value and creativity of work. Each entry in the check-list must indicate line-numbers that are responsible for fulfilling the entry and where applicable must be at some point visible in the SPA. An example of the Check-list will be provided before the project is due.